UROLOGY MediConsults
Urology is a branch of medicine dealing with diseases of urinary organs (the kidney, ureters, bladder and urethra) as well as genital male organs (penis, testicles, epididymis and prostate).
Urinary tract infections, kidney stones and urinary tract stones, stress incontinency as well as prostate diseases (BHP – benign prostatic hyperplasia) are the most common urinary problems.

In our hospitals the following procedures and interventions can be carried out:
- Examination by a urologist
- Urologic ultrasound
- Urologic examination
- Urologic interventions under local anaesthesia
- Urological operations
- Surgical treatment:
- varicocele surgery
- hydrocoele surgery
- circumcision
- frenulotomy
- meatotomy
- testicle biopsy
- vasetectomy
- radical orchiectomy
- excision of changes on the skin of urogenital region
- condyloma electroresection
- surgery of penis curvature (Morbus Pyeroni)
- implanting penile prosthesis
- implanting testicular prosthesis
- transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TUR)
- urethrotomy internal
- surgery of vesicovaginal fistula
- surgery of benign prostate enlargement by using Green light laser
- laparascopic radical treatment of prostate cancer
- surgery of bladder prolapse
- surgery of uterus prolapse
- surgery of colon prolapse
- surgery of stress urinary incontinency
- surgery of male incontinency
- incontinency surgery by placing artificial urinary sphincter
- neprechtomia simplex
- neprechtomia radicalis
- urethroplasty